by Terra Osterling | Nov 30, 2016 | Adirondacks, Experiences, Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Nature, Poetry
I am not below ground. I am far up above in the sky, on a peak of rock. On the peak of me. Getting here was not guaranteed. Climbing over rocks and logs, feet moving over loose stone, knotty roots, and slick pine needles. A push from behind is needed to surmount a...
by Terra Osterling | Oct 30, 2016 | Experiences, Lessons from Faith
This post has been a long time coming. At this writing, it has been a little over two years and nine months since I was first diagnosed with melanoma. Treatment involved: ~ 2 general anesthetic surgeries within 2 weeks of each other. The first a procedure to remove a...
by Terra Osterling | Feb 9, 2014 | Game-changers, Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Outside my comfort zone
On New Year’s Eve almost six weeks ago, The Husband and I drank a bottle of champagne while raising toast after toast to both the prior and coming year. In our typical ‘we-are-our-own-party’ fashion, we played loud music, laughed, and counted our many blessings. My...
by Terra Osterling | Sep 22, 2013 | Business of Freelance Writing, Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Storytelling
Election season has begun. Though, 2013 is not a national, state or even a mid-term election year. The lawn signs are fewer and the “intensity” of the public discourse is lower (unless you count debt-ceilings and affordable healthcare…but that’s a whole other topic)....
by Terra Osterling | Sep 15, 2013 | How I got "here", Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Motivation
Why do something for nothing?Why complete actual work without any actual monetary gain?Why do anything for anyone?One quarter or more of all Americans volunteer[i]. Numbers wonks can follow the link at the bottom of this post to read the official February 2013 report...
by Terra Osterling | Mar 31, 2013 | Inspiration, Lessons from Faith
Our dog is old. She is an eleven-year-old greyhound, with a very gray face. No, she is not fast – not anymore. Valentina did race, but retired before age 2 because she wasn’t a winner. She just was not interested in racing. Running when she felt like it was enough....