by Terra Osterling | Apr 29, 2020 | Game-changers, Motivation, Nature, Uncategorized
Sta·sis /ˈstāsis/ Noun: A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. Prologue: I started thinking about the concept of stasis as long ago as last fall when I jotted it into my journal, pondered through winter, and finally began writing in the first days of March....
by Terra Osterling | Oct 9, 2015 | Motivation
Compliments are important in a business where client testimonials and referrals can make or break your pipeline. If my work is good and people like it, sometimes they tell me, and I smile over’a job well done.’ If my work is good and people like it, sometimes...
by Terra Osterling | May 27, 2014 | Motivation, Outside my comfort zone
I’ve always had a stomach of iron. Born and raised in Rochester, NY, I am a good native daughter, able to wash down a Nick Tahou’s Garbage Plate (red hots, please) with a Genesee Cream Ale. It’s been a while since I’ve ‘enjoyed’ that kind of meal, but my gut easily...
by Terra Osterling | Mar 16, 2014 | Experiences, Motivation, Outside my comfort zone, Poetry
The past six weeks have been stressful and emotional. Two major surgeries in 2 1/2 weeks is also tough on the body. In total, I’ve endured two rounds of general anesthetic, two sets of stitches and/or staples, countless IV and syringe pokes, and almost three...
by Terra Osterling | Sep 15, 2013 | How I got "here", Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Motivation
Why do something for nothing?Why complete actual work without any actual monetary gain?Why do anything for anyone?One quarter or more of all Americans volunteer[i]. Numbers wonks can follow the link at the bottom of this post to read the official February 2013 report...