Workshop Your Project With Me.
Writing project got you stuck?
Get unstuck with workshopping!
Clients who have a draft or detailed outline workshop with me for help completing their writing project.
Work with a skilled sounding-board to find your voice, distill your needs, and explore fresh phrasing that appeals to your audience.
Finish your piece by working remotely, in partnership, via video conference, in collaboration on a cloud-based document.
Make real, strategic progress.
Workshopping sessions are 90-minutes.
Stories are best told over snacks or beverages.
Let’s find out what it might be like to work together. At the very least, we can swap a few good stories.
Featured Blog Posts
Proof of Life: Being Human
“Well, hello there. Have you been waiting long?” “Oh, just almost two years.” “Wow. Has it been that long?” Ummmm….yep. It has been almost two years...
– Me, November 15, 2010 Those words opened my first blog post. If ever a life had a turning point, for me it was then. That post kicked off a run of...
Playground Revolution
Nearly 40 years ago, I was a small, tomboyish fifth-grader. (Shout out to my GenXers!). This was an era when a 10 year old was still very much a...