Workshop Your Project With Me
Writing project got you stuck?
Do you have a writing project you’ve started, but can’t find the right voice or lack the time, energy, or confidence to finish it?
Get unstuck with workshopping!
Workshopping is for clients who have topical expertise and creative ideas but need guidance to a finished, publishable piece.
Clients who have a draft or detailed outline workshop with me for help completing their writing project.
Work with a skilled sounding-board to find your voice, distill your needs, and explore fresh phrasing that appeals to your audience.
Finish your piece by working remotely, in partnership, via video conference, in collaboration on a cloud-based document.
Make real, strategic progress.
Workshopping happens in real-time so you make immediate progress on your writing project. Plus, having an expert interviewer as your personal sounding-board can help you uncover ideas for new products, processes, niches, or services.
Move closer to your business goals with Workshopping. You provide a document in-progress, and, as a collaborator, I provide proven writing experience, encouragement, and ‘a-ha’-moments, so you can finish with confidence.
Workshopping sessions are 90-minutes.
Are you ready to make real progress on your unfinished writing project? Ask me about Workshopping