Dawn & dusk dog walks —
Layers increased over the weeks
As thin sunlight decreased.
Please poo near a streetlight.
Shortest holiday season —
Thanksgiving fights for its 3 weeks
As The Jolly One encroaches.
Doorbusters! The bird is barely carved.
Black Friday.
Small Business Saturday.
Cyber Monday.
Christmas club (remember those?) Spent. And then some.
Carols, bells, trees, and wreaths,
Unpacked from attics and hearts.
Assaulted by holiday product-placement
Since before All Hallow’s Eve.
Sacrilege if on the radio last week,
Now: Commence the jingle bell-ing!
You know the words, and sing along
In spite of yourself.
So many gods to worship;
Bacchus, Retail, Low APR, a homeless newborn…
Will the Mayans cheat us?
“Fear not:
for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”