John Steinbeck’s novella The Moon is Down may have been published 83 years ago, but it’s more relevant than ever. It’s a quick, oh-so-satisfying read.
My Blog.
Readers call my posts clever, authentic, humorous, thought-provoking, timely, and whimsical. I just think of it as my space to tell the stories that matter to me the most.
Recommended [Viewing] They Live!
The premise of They Live! is a delightfully late-80s, somewhat campy, thawing-cold-war-era cautionary tale.
Proof of Life: Being Human
“Well, hello there. Have you been waiting long?” “Oh, just almost two years.” “Wow. Has it been that long?” Ummmm….yep. It has been almost two years since I last posted to my blog. Ooops? To be fair, my last post here (February 2022) coincides with when I launched my...
– Me, November 15, 2010 Those words opened my first blog post. If ever a life had a turning point, for me it was then. That post kicked off a run of publishing a weekly blog post for a full three years. (Count ‘em – that’s 156 consecutive weeks, 156 posts. And they’re...
Playground Revolution
Nearly 40 years ago, I was a small, tomboyish fifth-grader. (Shout out to my GenXers!). This was an era when a 10 year old was still very much a kid. I certainly was. My school, Walt Disney Elementary School (for real), still held recess at lunchtime, but the...
“Though she be but little, she is fierce.”
My mom died last week. I won't talk here about how she died, but I do want to talk about how she lived. These are the remarks I made during her remembrance: My mother, Joanne, was all about that bling. Anything and everything shiny. Her hair, her makeup, her clothes...
How to Lose a Year of Your Life
Prologue: As of this writing, 2.65 million people worldwide have died of Covid-19. Deaths in the United States number more than half a million. There are millions more who survived the virus. And millions more who have lost everything, but their life, to the shutdown....
Stasis vs. Social Distancing
Sta·sis /ˈstāsis/ Noun: A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. Prologue: I started thinking about the concept of stasis as long ago as last fall when I jotted it into my journal, pondered through winter, and finally began writing in the first days of March....
May the force be with you. Always.
I was almost four and a half in the summer of 1977. Just a baby nerd-introvert. My mom was having a Tupperware party and wanted everyone out of the house, so my dad took my sister and me to the movies. I was so small that I could stand up in the row and put my chin on...
Confessions on a Dance Floor
I am not a good dancer. That doesn’t stop me from tearing it up in the kitchen to my 80s music mix. I used to dance a lot more, and in public; despite my introvert persona, I rarely missed a school dance as a teenager. Music has always moved me, literally. During...