Home 9 Writing 9 Poetry 9 Summer: Commence!

Summer: Commence!

by | Jun 23, 2013 | Poetry, Summer Classics

Cut-off jeans!
How I’ve missed you!
Sock-less feet in Crocs…
(…don’t hate, wearing your flip-flops.)
Sweaty bottle at my elbow:


Cut grass, boxwood & peonies —
Bicycle tires —
Sealer on a hot driveway —
Charcoal burning under your burgers:
These are fragrances of…


Blockbuster superhero movie
in a chilly theater.
Waiting in line at a street festival
for plastic-cup beer:
These are rites of:


Sunburn? Check.
Mosquito bites? Check.
Skinned knees? Check. (yes, still.)
‘Happy’  beside a now-empty cooler? Check.
These are results of:


Hour after hour of sunshine.
Thunderstorms, shake and drench.
Trees laden & shaggy green.
Life undenied, full-swing!
These are what make summer:
