by Terra Osterling | Dec 25, 2011 | Creative Pursuits, Original Short Fiction, Publishing, Storytelling, Writing
Last week, I previewed my upcoming publication in our local daily newspaper, the Democrat and Chronicle. This is, by far, the best Christmas gift I have ever received! The past year has been one gratifying writing experience after another. I cannot thank enough all...
by Terra Osterling | Dec 18, 2011 | Business of Freelance Writing, Original Short Fiction, Publishing, Storytelling, Writing
The Winter Solstice, this dormant season’s official start, occurs in three days. It marks on the calendar the longest night of the year. It is an ancient holiday that precedes a newer holiday by four days – one that dominates the season for a variety reasons. But...
by Terra Osterling | Jul 17, 2011 | Inspiration, Lessons from Faith, Original Short Fiction, Publishing, Storytelling, Writing
Milkweed is an invasive plant, one that can grow to five feet tall and then releases its seeds in a snowstorm of burst pods in late summer. They proliferate and their roots grow deep. I know this because I used to pull them out every growing season, the milky white...
by Terra Osterling | Jan 2, 2011 | Experiences, Finding the artist in me, Original Short Fiction, Publishing
For the past week, I have gone through a wrenching process. One where I mutter and sigh the whole time. I’ve been editing. It is rather like a long-overdue closet cleaning – discarding old, faded clothes that may feel comfortable, but I know should be cleared...