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Graceful Exit vs. Grand Entrance

by | Feb 26, 2012 | Business of Freelance Writing, Motivation, Writing | 8 comments

Enjoying the view after a long journey.

On the one hand, I am unemployed. This Friday past was my last day at The Job, the one I QUIT, having given notice four weeks ago. The original plan had been to spend the winter and spring continuing to prepare for starting a freelance business.

I’ve heard a saying…when one makes plans, God laughs.

But a chuckling God is not vengeful. Not long into January I had my sign; when presented with the opportunity to pioneer new processes and learn a new software program, instead of feeling excited I felt deflated. Specifically, I felt like the limp, misshapen balloon after the party – you could try to re-inflate, but it would never be the same.

In that moment, I knew it was time. I had given everything I had to give to The Job. Nothing was left.

Over four weeks I finished up projects with the same care for detail as I did in my first days on the job. I neatened up files, typed out instructions, and accounted for processes that will now be another person’s domain. I gave up a good paycheck, excellent benefits and relative flexibility.

On paper this looks bad.

On the other hand, I am now a Freelance Writer.