by Terra Osterling | Feb 17, 2013 | How I got "here", Poetry, Writing
Groundhog, you lie. Two weeks since your optimism, Then a northeast snowmageddon. Now, this: more shoveling, base layers, And a whiteout driving home from church. From your hidey hole, Whether in Punxsutawney or under my shed, You feign to predict our meteorological...
by Terra Osterling | Jan 13, 2013 | Motivation, Poetry, Writing
Holiday glut ended Seems like ages ago. Now, we go back to regular life, and wait. 6:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m.: You may as well be midnight. Moon boots, snow pants, down parka — dressed for a spacewalk, And I can’t put my arms down. Snow-blower a veteran Having already...
by Terra Osterling | Feb 6, 2011 | Experiences, Game-changers, Inspiration
Book ‘em, Dano This past Friday, despite the monochromatic landscape offering little incentive to venture beyond the hearth, the husband and I are able to convince ourselves of a night out because of a rare opportunity. In this world there lives a young man who, with...
by Terra Osterling | Jan 30, 2011 | Creative Pursuits, Experiences, How I got "here", Inspiration, Motivation
Snowbanked The depths of winter are a place of stark realities. Last week, winter nearly froze me in place. It works like that for those of us who live deep in winter country, literally and figuratively. Snow banks the size of Volkswagen beetles tag team against us...
by Terra Osterling | Jan 23, 2011 | Motivation
Hi·ber·nate [hi-ber-neyt] verb: to pass the winter in a torpid or lethargic state.(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary) I am torpid. I am lethargic. The season is winter. Thirty-four days in, fifty-seven days to go. Motivation vanishes under snow and ice,...